
Showing posts from September, 2020

CSAW CTF 2014: greenhornd Writeup

Introduction Nowadays, I'm trying to learn windows exploitation by reading the tutorials and solving tasks that recommended by open-source seminar written with the Korean language (Thanks to google translate) besides other external resources. So, I decided to provide writeups for the chosen challenges existed within the seminar repository. Consequently, I am going today to solve my first 32-bit windows pwn challenge within window10 which is greenhornd from CSAW CTF 2014 using the Open-Read-Write ROP chain to read the file named key from a remote server. Additionally, I will use AppJailLauncher to launch the exe file for providing a game server experience using the following command. Finding the Vulnerability First of All, I executed the greenhornd exe, and the following text got printed to the screen which asks you to find the secret key and it suggested that you can look at strings within the binary using strings utility or IDA disassembler (sorry I will use R2 cutter xD ).  ...